First post

After much delay, I finally decided to set up my own blog.  I always wanted to set up my own blog after reading some good blogs on finance and investing by other bloggers. Furthermore, I was inspired to set one up after reading a blog by one of my good friends from secondary school. Take a look at his blog at

This blog will touch on my thoughts and what I have learnt so far on investing and finance and will have reviews of companies I am looking at, among others. This blog was mainly started to keep track of my own progress in the investing world and also to educate others to let them know the benefits of investing. My main philosophy of  investing comes from Warren Buffett and I have fused his philosophy with my own.  Feel free to leave comments on this blog.

Author: Sudhan P

I simplify investing concepts to help you navigate the stock market jungle.

4 thoughts on “First post”

  1. Hi there,

    Haha, it’s interesting that while CJ took a more TA path, you took the more FA path :)

    It’s good to be a value investor, but keep your mind open to reading charts, otherwise you’ll fall into the ‘value-trap’.

    Good luck!

  2. Hi La Papillion,

    Thanks for the advice and thanks for visiting my blog. Actually, I do look at TA before I buy and sell a stock to look at proper entry and exit points around supports and resistances.


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