Book Review – “Building Wealth through REITs” by Bobby Jayaraman

“Building Wealth through REITs” is a local book by Bobby Jayaraman which touches on the overview of real estate investment trusts (REITs) found in Singapore, how to read the financial statements of REITs and also how to value the REITs, among others. The book also includes interviews with the Chief Executive Officers of six REITs listed in Singapore. The interview section in itself is worth the money. I learnt a lot from the interviews alone.

I came across Bobby’s articles on REITs in the now-defunct Pulses magazine in 2010. The articles were well-written and I learnt a lot from those articles when I was just starting out on learning about REITs. This book actually takes readers a step further in looking into REITs. However, beginners need not fret as this book also divulges on the basics of REITs like the structure of REITs and how they grow.

There are only a handful of local books on REITs and this definitely is a must-read for all who want to know more about REITs and how to invest in them prudently. I feel beginners and advanced investors will equally learn a lot from this book.

Author: Sudhan P

I simplify investing concepts to help you navigate the stock market jungle.

2 thoughts on “Book Review – “Building Wealth through REITs” by Bobby Jayaraman”

  1. I agree absolutely with you. This is one of the most value-for-money investment book out there, certainly the best among the local authors.

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